I am a book hoarder. I knew I had passed the collecting versus hoarding limit when I needed a second bookshelf for the non-ficiton books I mostly have not read yet. All those good intentions can't last forever. So I have at least a dozen books about computer software which have not been relevant for awhile. Libraries and second hand bookstores do not want them - computer books in particular they tend not to accept at all. But, I can't just throw them away! All that idealism that went into picking them for whatever project I had in mind. All that stuff I wanted to learn but didn't finish... before it became outdated.
Some books are just obsolete.
Just because you can't find someone who wants that old book about Windows ME, doesn't mean it's not worth more than the paper it's printed on. There are people who would be glad to have those old books for art projects. Consider donating them to schools for children to use in craft projects. I'm thinking paper mache but I'm sure teachers working with young people could think of other uses. Artists working with paper could use the pages of your books for practicing, creating a mock up/ rough draft of a project - of cleaning their paint brushes.
There is hope for your old books so stop keeping them all yourself.
(Image from Good Housekeeping).
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