Movable Type is Discouraging

Moving to Movable Type is getting very discouraging. I set it up quite easily, only a little bump or two along the way. But that was last week. Since then I have had zero success at moving the content from Blogger to Movable Type. Everything I have found about doing this is out of date, by a lot! I am frustrated but not yet giving up. I really would like to use Movable Type again. I do not want to use WordPress, no matter what I will not go back to that.

It is a shame I bought the domain and hosting before I found out what hurdles I'd have to manage. Now I am going to be away most of this week and won't be able to do anything. Bugging me.


Unknown said...

Laura Brown said...

Thank you, a hundred times thank you. :) I hope it worked for you too.

I'm away till Saturday and won't be able to try it till I get back. Will be really looking forward to having it done and moving this blog over.

Thank you again, Su.