Brilliant Award for Yourself

I was given an award for this blog. Thanks to Patricia at Communication Exchange for the Brilliante Weblog award.

If you were giving yourself an award for your blog what would it be? Blog Most Likely To....

There are so many options. Blog most likely to cause screen freeze. Blog most likely to spontaneously combust. Blog most likely to be used as compost. Blog most likely to cure chicken pox. Blog most likely to be read while watching TV.

What great Blog Most Likely To... Award will you pick?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let's see for the...
Cafe I'd say "Blog most likely to make you spit a beverage at the screen or go hmmm."
Mama Bear Reads "Blog Most Likely to Send you Running to the Library
Mama Bear Writes, "Blog Most Likely to Make You Want More."